Hale Loofbourrow, MD
When Dr. Hale Loofbourrow meets with his patients, he looks at the whole person and why they have come to see him. He listens carefully, asks questions, and takes the time to understand and address their concerns directly and thoroughly. When it comes to choosing a treatment plan or course of care, he encourages patients to take an active role in decision-making, which leads to more effective care.
Areas of Interest
- Family Medicine
- Fitness
- Healthy eating & lifestyles
- Diabetes
- BS in Biology at University of British Columbia
- Medical Degree (MD) at the National University of Ireland, Galway
- Family Medicine Residency, Alaska Family Medicine
- Graduate with Honors
Fun Stuff
Dr. Loofbourrow was born and raised in Juneau and moved back (to Anchorage) after medical school in 2014. He enjoys running, biking, skiing (cross country, downhill and backcountry), and hiking. He also speaks “a little” Spanish.